May 15, 2004

Community Involvement Before District Proceeds with Full Implementation of Multi-Age Classroom Model

Multi-age classrooms were the norm in education in this country 100 years ago. Bedford, Massachusetts, a small community outside Boston, MA, will begin a pilot program on multi-age classrooms next year. The recommendation was made by the Davis School Multi-Age Committee to the Bedford School Committee (School Board).

Multi-age classrooms were the norm in education in this country 100 years ago. Bedford, Massachusetts, a small community outside Boston, MA, will begin a pilot program on multi-age classrooms next year. The recommendation was made by the Davis School Multi-Age Committee to the Bedford School Committee (School Board).

The recommendation is for a pilot program first before wider implementation is undertaken. The Committee report includes section on the benefits and concerns of multi-age classrooms and the steps for implementation and evaluation of this teaching approach.

The full report can be read at

Posted by Barb Schrank at May 15, 2004 09:31 AM | TrackBack