December 12, 2004

The Last Time You Used Algebra Was...

New York Times, December 12, 2004
The Last Time You Used Algebra Was...

It's been a long time since most of us have used algebra in our daily lives - unless, perhaps, you're helping your child with homework or work in a field that uses lots of mathematics. However, learning algebra is still important. The concepts I learned in mathematics have helped me with learning other concepts in different fields - math teaches you a way of thinking.

" don't study poetry just because they're going to grow up to be poets. It's about a habit of mind. Your mind doesn't think abstractly unless it's asked to - and it needs to be asked to from a relatively young age. The rigor and logic that goes into math is a good way for your brain to be trained," said Miss Collins, the author's daughter's math teacher.

The Last Time You Used Algebra Was...

Posted by Barb Schrank at December 12, 2004 08:28 PM | TrackBack