March 26, 2005

Stoughton Won't Renew Superintendent's Contract

I found the story on the Stoughton superintendent interesting because the school board conducts an evaluation twice a year. Madison's board has failed to evaluate the MMSD superintendent for years!

Bill Clingan, chair of the MMSD's human resources committee responsible for evaluating Superintendent Art Rainwater, admits that Lawrie Kobza, his opponent in the upcoming election, is right to highlight an oversight in the superintendent's evaluation, according to a story in Isthmus.

The story on the Stoughton board's action in the Wisconsin State Journal says:

"According to the board's policy, the superintendent is evaluated twice each year, the first during an informal session in the fall. The second evaluation is a formal session before the board's April reorganizational meeting and includes written evaluation statements from each board member.

The president of the board then writes a composite evaluation based on the written work of the board members, and it is then reviewed by the board."

Read the full story here.

Ed Blume

ps The comment option below is open for anyone with thoughts on how the Madison school board could evaluate the superintendent.

Posted by Ed Blume at March 26, 2005 08:40 AM | TrackBack

I just wanted to reply. I've been looking at the last Evaluation done in 2002. I see why it hasn't been done. The process used was probably not the best. I can tell by the notes that the meetings were very tense. It is also very difficult for 1 person to have 7 supervisors. Board members see the Superintendent differently which is in fact normal.

One of the things I would suggest is that the board provides some goals at the beginning of the year. Maybe 3. Then evaluate at the end of the year. The budget situation makes it very challenging to be as creative as you'd like.

I think by next year, you'll see some sort of evaluation put in place. Even if it's small.

In closing, if 4 board members aren't happy with his performance, he can be asked to leave. Currently, I wouldn't be one of those people.

School board members are evaluated by the public every three years.

Posted by: Johnny Winston, Jr. at March 30, 2005 06:49 PM
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