April 14, 2005

Ridgewood Apartment Changes

Cliff Miller on recent management changes and the redevelopment plans at Fitchburg's Ridgewood Apartments. This complex is very close to Madison's Leopold School. Any changes at Ridgewood may affect Leopold along with the planned expansion.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 14, 2005 06:38 AM | TrackBack

It's great to see many citizens taking an active role in understanding the various communities near the proposed new school.
During a recent school board meeting I attended, administrators shared the platted new housing developments for Leopold. Many new developments; large ones, are going in on Fish Hatchery Road. There is much land between MMSD and the next school district as well, scheduled for development in the next 5 years.
I was surprised to see also find out that Leopold has been experiencing overcapacity for 2 years; currently outsourcing children to other schools. This creates boundary pockets in which some local children are not able to participate in functions with there own neighborhood friends.
Ridgewood is definately an issue but I don't think it is a part of the larger picture.

Posted by: Marisue Horton at April 14, 2005 01:24 PM
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