Diary of MMSD Fine Arts - District Policy Requires Fine Arts Coordinator
MMSD Board policies require a trained coordinator for filling a vacant position for a number of specialties, including art, music and physical education.
Only last night did the Superintendent inform the Board that he would be sending around a modification to this policy in light of no Fine Arts Coordinator and that this information would be made available to the Board on Tuesday, September 21, 2004. The only change being proposed would be to eliminate the coordinator requirement for music and art. The coordinator requirement will remain for bilingual, ESL, physical education and special education.
The Superintendent's remarks were made following a public appearance by the District's former Fine Arts Coordinator, Mariel Wozniak, who pointed this policy out to the Board. Dr. Wozniak said that if fine arts personnel were being hired without a coordinator, the district administration was in violation of Board policy.
1. The position supervisor(s) must complete a Vacancy Notice and forward it to the Human Resources Department. When a new position is to be filled, the Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent must approve the request to fill the vacant position.
2. When a vacancy occurs the Human Resources Department refers to the appropriate Coordinator names of up to five (5) applicants with the required certification and qualifications from the active applicant pool.
3. The Director of the Human Resources Department or the Director's designee will inform the Coordinator of her/his responsibility, the procedure and timetable to be followed, and the District's Affirmative Action goals.
4. The Coordinator reviews the credentials of the applicants who have been referred by the Human Resources Department and interviews all such applicants. The Coordinator shall develop job-related questions and ask all candidates the same questions. Follow-up questions may be asked.
5. The Coordinator refers up to three (3) candidates to a Principal.
6. The Principal reviews the credentials of the candidates referred by the Coordinator in the Human Resources Department and interviews all such applicants. The Principal shall develop job-related questions and ask all candidates the same questions. Follow-up questions may be asked.
7. The Principal shall consult with the Coordinator relative to the candidates s/he interviewed to fill the vacancy prior to making a recommendation to hire an individual.
8. If the references are to be used in the selection decision by the Principal, then the Principal must contact the references of all the candidate(s) and solicit the same information from such references.
9. The Principal will contact the reference(s) of the successful candidate before the Principal recommends that such candidate be employed by the Board of Education unless the Principal is informed that a successful reference check has already been made.
10. The Principal completes a written recommendation for employment for the applicant s/he selects, and an "unsuccessful candidate" form for each applicant not chosen.
Posted by at September 20, 2004 11:35 PM
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