April 30, 2004

Eduwonk on No Child Left Behind NYT Article

Education blog Eduwonk writes about a recent NY Times article profiling a Florida school

So, rather than the storyline of an unfairly maligned school caught up the unfair rules of an ill-conceived law, instead we have a school where about only half the kids are proficient in reading and math overall, few can write at grade level, and special education and black students are doing very poorly. Though the school does appear to slowly be making progress, a lot of children are being shortchanged right now. NCLB was designed precisely to ferret out these inequities which are easily obscured by overall averages.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at 08:33 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Reading Instruction Workshop

August 9-10, 2004
Edgewood College Campus
Madison, Wisconsin

  • Direct Instruction Training for both Beginning and Advanced
  • Sessions Specially Designed for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teachers
  • College Credit Available
  • Great New Location

Sara Tarver, Ph.D., Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Issues and Debates about Direct Instruction

Terry Dodds, Author of the new High-Performance Writing Program

Tonja Gallagher, M.S., Doctoral Student and Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Jane Jung , Ph.D., Second Grade Teacher, Lapham School, Madison,WI

Dolores Mishelow, former principal in Milwaukee, WI

Norm Mishelow, principal of Barton School in Milwaukee, U.S. Dept. of Ed. Blue Ribbon Award Winner

Beverly Trezek, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison

Chris Uelmen, M.S., Curriculum Coordinator, Core Knowledge Charter School, Verona, WI

The first day will begin with a keynote address by Dr. Sara Tarver. All participants will attend the keynote from 8:15-9:45. For the remainder of the first day and the entire second day, participants will attend one of five small group sessions (A, B, C, D or E). Participants who select ‘A’ session, Reading Mastery I, for example, attend that session for two days. The ‘D’ session is designed for participants with experience in Direct Instruction. Participants who select the ‘D’ session should fill out the supplemental portion of the registration form. The ‘E’ session, Train the Trainer, is designed for the experienced Direct Instruction teacher who wants to learn the skills needed to do large and small group DI training. Enrollment for ‘E’ session is limited. Interested participants should fill out the supplemental application portion of the registration form and will be notified of acceptance by June 25, 2004.

Participants can register for 1 graduate credit. See registration form.

For more information

  • Content of conference or conference registration, contact Peggy Peterson at toppetersen@msn.com
  • Graduate credit or course registration, call Tonja Gallagher at 608-238-6738.

Full Two-Day Conference
Early Bird Discount – Save $25
Registration by May 14, 2004 $100
Registration after May 14, 2004 $125

August 9-10, 2004

Name: Affiliation:

Street Address:

City, State, Zip:

Phone where you can be reached after July 1, 2004:
Email Address:

I have enclosed a ___check____purchase order in the amount of $__________.
Please bill my _____VISA ______MASTERCARD
Card # ____________________________Exp. Date__

Circle your session choice

A B C (see * below) D (see ** below) E (see *** below)

*If you choose SESSION “C”, indicate the grades you are working with: _________________

**If you choose SESSION “D”, indicate your Direct Instruction experience.
Name(s) of program(s) taught: _________________________.Years of experience:__________

***If you choose SESSION “E”, complete the following.
Current education position:
Number of years experience teaching using DI Programs:
Please list the Direct Instruction programs and levels you have had experience teaching:

On a separate sheet of paper, please answer the following questions:

o Why are you interested in this session?
o How do you plan on using this training?
o Person to contact as a reference. Include Name, Phone #, Email Address:

How to Register by Mail
1. Complete the registration form.
2. Print out and enclose registration form with VISA/MASTERCARD information, check or institutional purchase order for the proper fee.
3. Mail completed form and fee to Peggy Petersen at: Peggy Petersen , 4802 West Wells Street, Apartment 4, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208.

No confirmations will be sent for Session A, B, C and D. Please arrive at the conference registration area between 7:30 and 8:30 on Monday, August 9.

The closest lodging to Edgewood Campus is the Best Western Inntowner, 24224 University Ave. Call 608-233-8778 for reservations.

Parking is free.

Graduate credits
1 credit is available through Viterbo College at a cost of $80.00. Participants wishing to receive credit must attend the full 2 day conference. 1 hour of additional reading and lesson practice (from the session you attend) will also be required. There is no need to pre-register with Viterbo. When you arrive at the conference, a table will be set up where you can complete a short form and pay tuition. Tuition may be paid by cash or check (no credit cards/debit cards). Please arrive early on the first day of the conference. If you have questions regarding credit, you may contact Tonja Gallagher at tggallagher@charter.net

Special Needs
ADI-WI is committed to making our activities accessible to persons with disabilities or special needs. If you anticipate a need for service, please indicate your request on the registration form. In the space below, indicate nature of request no later than July 15, 2004.

In the event that the conference must be cancelled, ADI-WI will notify participants and send a full refund by July 15, 2004.

Posted by Ed Blume at 07:46 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

British System Shares Our Problems

Interesting piece by British teacher on the mixed messages we send our students. http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1206692,00.html

Posted by Joan Knoebel at 11:20 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

WSJ Opinion Piece on School Board Governance

Today's Wisconsin State Journal has a useful opinion piece on MMSD's budget process & governance. This editorial is timely, given the current discussions regarding the district's $310M+ budget:

The Madison School Board is in the midst of tackling the district's budget woes, which include a $10 million shortfall between what the district can spend and what it wants to spend.

Board members can whine all they please that the "current way (the state) funds schools is broken," but here's the bottom line: The state school funding formula is not going to change this spring. If they want to fix something broken closer to home, they should start with their own flawed budgeting instead.

How bad is the district's budgeting? Well, for starters, the board began debating cuts to the budget March 11, according to Barbara Schrank, a parent who was active in protesting last year's proposed budget cuts, but they didn't see the actual budget until three weeks later, on March 31. A month later, board members were told they couldn't compare this year's "same service" budget to next year's "same service" budget because of computer software problems. And the board isn't expected to finalize the budget until June, although layoff notices must be turned in by May 22

Posted by 77mvt315 at 06:50 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack