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May 19, 2005

Kudos to Jim Zellmer in Isthmus

The 5/20/05 Isthmus editorial entitled "Teachable Moments" discusses their coverage of school issues, including this week's review of the referenda.

The editor then goes on to say, "Those who wish to wade deeper into the issues are directed to, an excellent cache of information on the district and the referendum questions. It is the work of Jim Zellmer, proprietor of who has received national notice for the site."

Thank you Jim for being the catalyst for getting School Information Systems up and running, for providing the community a forum for the open exchange of information and opinions on education issues.

And in a similar fashion, I am grateful for Isthmus, especially for its in-depth reporting on school topics. This week's letters to the editor on the Linda Falkenstein's TAG article were especially thoughtful and well-written.

Posted by at May 19, 2005 4:55 PM
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