Grigsby on WI Sex Education
Rep Tamara Grigsby, via Wispolitics:
- Wisconsin has the highest incidence of African-American teen births in the nation.
- Milwaukee has the highest high school drop-out rates for African-Americans in the country, which is directly connected to the high teen birth rate in our state.
- In 2001, Milwaukee had the second highest teen birth rate of the nation’s 50 biggest cities.
- Wisconsin has the 14th highest chlamydia rate (17,942 cases reported) and the 21st highest rate of syphilis in the nation (5,663 cases reported).
- Almost ½ of all new sexually transmitted infections are contracted by 15-24 year olds, despite the fact that this population only makes up 25% of the sexually active population.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at June 28, 2005 6:01 AM
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