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August 5, 2005PEOPLE Program: The Debate continues(With apologies to readers - it is not possible to respond using the comments feature on the blog.)
RESPONSE: I would be interested in a “tit for tat” response to my comments on the reasons why the PEOPLE program is needed. JOAN: Let's back up and look at the assumptions underlying this program. The first is that minority students are not getting adequate preparation in their home schools. You assert that this is true in the well-staffed, well-funded Madison school district because of institutional racism. You believe your visual review of a school proves your point. That's not particularily strong evidence. RESPONSE: I think you need to go back and read what I wrote. I said, “All of the above examples are conditions that I have witnessed first hand or, in one or two cases, have heard of from other parents – including parents of white students. When the above conditions disappear and/or white students experience these same conditions, we can talk about equity.” Nowhere did I say or imply that my comments were “based on a visual review of a school.” It is true that there is no systematic, methodologically defensible, study of how students of color and their parents fare in Madison’s schools. I would welcome a well-crafted study of this nature. I suspect that our opinions are informed by different experiences and information sources. I can’t speak to your knowledge base because I know nothing of it. I can share that I base my comments on: -- twelve years of direct daily experience with MMSD as the parent of an African American student
RESPONSE: I agree about preparation – if students are consigned to connected math rather than algebra, they aren’t going to have the same preparation, for example. That is a very different issue from motivation, which often is present – and in combination with intelligence – but is overlooked in the selection process. The student most quoted in the article sounds pretty motivated, by the way: “Raymond McCurty-Smith was a high school freshman in Milwaukee when he first heard about UW-Madison's PEOPLE program from a teacher in his honors English class. JOAN: West is tough on all kids, just for the record. RESPONSE: West certainly prides itself on its academic rigor. I also would submit that each of the four high schools has curriculum that is demanding and challenging whether that curriculum is represented as AP or TAG designations or is the product of a teacher who demands peak performance in “regular” classes. The issue from where I sit is who has access to that curriculum and how? When the access process produces upper level courses that are almost exclusively white, or white with a smattering of Asian American students, it should encourage us to ask whether the representation is about ability or about perception and/or process.
RESPONSE: As for the grades/GPAs, I believe that they are currently viewed as less indicative of future success than one might imagine. The factors working against a strict GPA value include: grade inflation due to parental pressure, variance in curriculum from one school or district to the next, the level/challenge of courses taken, academically gifted kids who get poor grades because they are not engaged due to boredom and frustration. On another note: most college faculty would give their eye teeth for a 2.5 student who asks challenging questions and brings engagement and fresh perspective to a class, over a room of 3.9-4.0 students who are good at meeting the technical requirements to get high grades but are burnt out and/or unwilling to take risks for fear of jeopardizing their grades. This is not to dismiss students who are high academic achievers, but rather to reflect what some higher education studies – and individual faculty – are reporting.
RESPONSE: As I recall, that was several years ago and does not involve the current crop of newly-admitted students. I would encourage you to take another look at the students who are coming from Milwaukee’s schools today. For example the reconfiguration of Rufus King has created a highly competitive school [ http://www2.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/king/scroll.html ] ranked fifth in the US, first in Wisconsin.
RESPONSE: Perhaps you misread the article. It is far from a summer program only:
And: “In 2000, a slate of middle-school offerings was added in Madison -- program officials say they don't have the money to expand it elsewhere -- and this fall an elementary-school program will start on Madison's northeast side around Northport Drive and Packers Avenue. That new offering, known as PEOPLE Prep, is designed to prepare children as early as second grade for the middle-school program.
RESPONSE: The article never said that PEOPLE students are guaranteed admission. “… not every (PEOPLE) graduate who applies gets in, said Carlos Reyes, an admissions officer. This fall, for example, about 80 program finishers applied for admission, but only about 50 were accepted; of those, 41 enrolled and will be freshmen this fall.
RESPONSE: Like I said in my earlier post, the issues are way beyond whether someone "feels supported." It's a separate club which has pretty exclusive membership. When they start to experience what students of color experience in our schools, and I hope that never happens, I will say “welcome to the club.” Until then, their experiences are as different as the separate floors at West.
RESPONSE: I'm struggling with the assumption that all students or color, or students in the PEOPLE program, are from "broken" families without post-high school educations. The program includes students from a very broad range of backgrounds who, for whatever, reason, are in need of the critical mass and academic training that they are not experiencing in their schools. Beyond that, you may want to re-read the original article. I draw very different meaning from its tone and content, and find that your presentation distorts both the content and wording of the original article and the intent/function of the PEOPLE program. This is an insult to the students and staff who are putting the time and effort into meeting the requirements to successfully graduate from PEOPLE, and it is a real insult to the students who do indeed meet the requirements for admission to UW-Madison. Posted by Lucy Mathiak at August 5, 2005 12:00 PMSubscribe to this site via RSS/Atom: ![]() |