Agenda for West/Memorial Task Force
6:30 p.m. Special Meeting of the Madison School Board and the Memorial and West Attendance Areas Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force
Toki Middle School
Library Media Center
5606 Russett Road
Madison, WI 53711
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome and Introductions of the Memorial and West Attendance Area Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force Members, Invitees, and Madison School Board Members
3. Members of the Memorial and West Attendance Area Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force going through the "Getting to Know one Another" activity
4. Charge to the Memorial and West Attendance Areas Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force
a. Role of the Madison School Board
b. Role of Invitees
c. Role of the Memorial and West Attendance Areas Demographics and
Long Range Facility Needs Task Force
d. Role of Facilitator of the Memorial and West Attendance Area
Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force
e. Process of How the Memorial and West Attendance Area
Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force will work
6. Specific issues to be addressed by the Memorial and West Attendance Area Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force:
a. Elementary schools in the Memorial and West attendance areas that have overcrowded student populations
b. Projected growth of the elementary schools in the Memorial and
West Attendance Areas
c. Disparity of the income of parents whose children attend
elementary schools in the Memorial and West Attendance Areas
7. Timeline for completing the work of the Memorial and West Attendance Areas Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force
8. Future meeting dates of the Memorial and West Attendance Areas
Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force
9. The criteria adopted by the Madison School Board to plan space usage as recorded in the following documents:
* Definitions: Purposes of Enrollment Calculations
* Enrollment trends
* Maximum Physical Plant Capacity Worksheet
* Considerations when Redrawing Boundary Lines
* Process for Dealing with Overcrowded Schools
* Process for Dealing with Elementary Schools with Declining
* Chart of Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) schools
10. Summary of what transpired at the Memorial and West Attendance Area Demographics and Long Range Facility Needs Task Force meeting and the next steps that the Task Force will take
11. Adjournment
Posted by Ed Blume at September 16, 2005 9:05 AM
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