Message from Mr. Mom's Attorney
This message was posted on the Communities United list serve by Yolanda Woodard, attorney for Mr. Mom's Transportation Service.
Dear Concerned Community & Business Leaders:
Recently the local newspapers and electronic media have reported on the Mr. Mom's Transportation Service. This coverage has been in the most unfavorable light possible. While some missteps have been made with the current operation of the business, the sensational, negative media coverage far exceeds the true nature of the situation.
Corrective actions have already begun, long before it became fashionable for the local media to "bash" Mr, Mom's.
Accordingly, we respectfully request that those of good conscience support Jeff and Cathy Smith and their company Mr. Mom's. We are asking the community to support this company's long standing presence in our community and its efforts to address the public concerns by attending a Press Conference to be held on Wednesday, October 21st at 10 am at the Genesis Economic Development Center, 313 W. Beltline Hwy. (Next to Nedrebo's).
Yolanda S. Woodard
Attorney for Cathy and Jeff Smith
Posted by Johnny Winston, Jr. at October 20, 2005 12:51 PM
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