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October 9, 2005

MMSD Budget Mysteries #1

This is the first installment of a series on the mysteries of the MMSD Budget.

Mystery #1: The MMSD received $$1,373,333 from a TEACH Grant Fund, and only spent $63,741. The budget document shows no other transfers or expeditures out of the $1,373,333. Where did the balance ($1,309,592) go?

To help solve this mystery, the revenue of $1,373,333 is shown on page 2 of the 2005-2006 Budget Financial Summaries. The expenditure of $63,741 is listed under expenditures for CFO/COO-Summary on page 50 of the same document.

Good sluething, all you Sherlock Holmes wannabe's.

Posted by Ed Blume at October 9, 2005 8:00 PM
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