Speaking up about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & King Events in Madison
The Madison Times (now owned by former school board member, Ray Allen) recently asked various members of the Madison community to comment on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was honored to do so. These comments can be seen in this weeks issue. I'm also including dates and times of Dr. King events in the City. I hope you and your family are able to attend some of these events.
I wrote:
As a member of the Madison School Board, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream resonates within me. In his famous, “I Have A Dream” speech, Dr. King spoke of a world, “where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together…” Today, in our school district these children are not just Black and white but Latino, Asian and Native American. Not only can boys and girls walk together but they can learn together as well.
When our children learn together, education can be a great equalizer against racism and prejudice. With an education our children can be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. As we celebrate Dr. King’s birthday, we celebrate his legacy as well. Dr. King’s dream lives in each of us.
Johnny Winston, Jr.
Madison School Board member
Dr. King Events
The 2006 City-County Observance will take place on Monday, January 16,
6:00 p.m. at the Overture Center's Capitol Theater located at 201 State Street in Madison. Madison City Channel 12 will broadcast the event live. Dr. Gloria Johnson-Powell, MD, will be the featured speaker. In addition, the event will again feature the presentation of the annual City and County Dr. King Awards presented by Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz and Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk. Entertainment will be provided by the Martin Luther King,
Jr. Community Choir which will be led by noted local music director
Leotha Stanley.
In addition to the City-County Observance, the King Coalition will
sponsor three other FREE events during the king Holiday weekend in an
attempt to bring the Dane County community together to reaffirm our
continuing commitment to build a just community out of our racial,
religious and economic diversity:
Friday, January 13, 5:00 p.m., 19th Annual Free Community Dinner: Gordon Commons, Room B5, University of Wisconsin Campus, 717 W. Johnson Street (upper level of Lake Street Side).
Sunday, January 15, 4:00 p.m., Martin Luther King, Jr. Ecumenical Church Service: Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 2019 Fisher Street, Madison.
Monday January 16, 8th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth Service Day: Madison will join hundreds of communities across the country in
celebrating the national holiday by making it "a day ON, not a day off." Hundreds of middle and high school students are expected to attend an inspirational forum at the Monona Terrace beginning at 8:00 a.m. Later that day, these students will spread throughout Dane County where they will begin their commitment to a year of volunteer service. Students that performed at least 100 hours of volunteerism during 2005 will be presented with the President's Volunteer Service Award by U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin. Call Tracie Gilbert at (608) 251-8550 to register.
In addition to King Coalition sponsored events, other activities
commemorating the King Holiday include:
Saturday, January 14, I have a Dream Scholarship Ball: Sponsored by
Women In Focus, the Ball raises money to provide college scholarships to deserving students. The festive evening will be held at the Monona
Terrace, beginning at 6 p.m.. Tickets may be purchased by calling Gloria at 833-8424 or Tina at 277-9141.
Sunday, January 15, The Urban League's 22nd Annual Breakfast
Celebration: Outstanding young people will be inducted into the National Achievers Society. The 2006 Mann Scholars will be announced. The breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m. at Edgewood High School, 2219 Monroe
Street, Madison. Sponsored by the Urban League of Greater Madison, Inc. Tickets are available for only $5 by calling (608) 251-8550.
Monday, January 16, Noon, Annual State Tribute & Ceremony: Capitol
Rotunda with Guests Tony Brown and Attorney Fred Gray.
Posted by Johnny Winston, Jr. at January 12, 2006 12:46 PM
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