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January 11, 2006The Issue Of MascotsThis is a message from Janice Rice of the Native American Council of Madison on the Communities United list serve. This message is pertinent given some of the changes that State Superintendent Libby Burmaster is proposing regarding state high schools and nicknames. Fellow CU members, When the issue of mascots come up periodically, the voice of tribal leaders is rarely heard. If you would take the time to read the letter from John Froman, Chief of the Peoria Tribe, it demonstrates some of the reasons why our tribal leaders have not been as vocal about the mascot issue. I could say more about the topic as I have lived through it myself. I went to Tomah High School and we are still called the Tomah Indians. It's a complex issue, but I basically boil it down to "how well are the American Indian students and parents treated in the school district?" If the relationship is good, there is no issue. When the relationship is tenuous, the students become the victims--both in the classroom and at the sports events. I hope you'll take the time to read the editorial in the Washington Post and John Froman's letter to George Will. It's excellent! Janice Rice **************************************** http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/04/AR2006010401590.html http://www.peoriatribe.com/uploads/washington_post.pdf Subscribe to this site via RSS/Atom: ![]() |