"Enough Money for Good Teachers"
Joanne Jacobs
rounds up recent articles about teacher compensation:
The "qualified teacher" shortage is a myth, writes Michael Podgursky in the spring Education Next. Most public schools have enough money to recruit and retain competent teachers -- if they could raise pay for teachers with high-demand skills, such as physics and chemistry, without having to pay more for every teacher.
Podgursky compared teacher pay in low-poverty public schools with non-religious private schools. Private school teachers averaged 80 percent of the pay of public teachers with affluent students.
Paul Peterson observes that teacher pay systems reward the "credentialed careerist," not necessarily the most talented teachers.
Another article looks at When Principals Rate Teachers, finding principals are good at judging effectiveness.
Great Expectations critiques the cost-effectiveness of national board certification of teachers, suggesting a better system would look at the value added by exceptional teachers.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at February 23, 2006 12:41 PM
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