Middle School Design Team: Final Report to the Superintendent
The Madison schools middle school curriculum design team's final report is now available [1.7MB pdf]. Topics addressed include:
- Math
- Music
- Art
- World Languages
- Health/Family and Consumer Education
- Information and Technology Literacy
- Student Services
The report closed with a discussion of the Future Areas for Discussion:
The Design Team had a very specific charge. As the team met, it quickly became apparent that additional areas that pertain to middle level education are ripe for discussion. The final recommendation from the team includes a wish to continue this discussion over time. The areas that are of interest include:- K-8 model
- Scheduling around part-time staff. Sharing staff.
- Distance Learning, i.e. district on-line course offerings
- Mental health and severe behavioral issues
- Alternative educational settings
- Bus safety
- Regular articulation meetings between middle and high school staff in all content areas
- Regular articulation meetings between middle and high schools among student
- services staff to increase communication and develop a set of agreed upon
- expectations and practices regarding 8th to 9th transition.
- Advisories
- Safety issues, i.e. bullying, climate
- City-wide projects and competitions
- Revisit the juxtaposition of the MMSD Educational Framework, the Equity Framework, the MMSD Middle School Common Expectations, and the current middle school models used in MMSD.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at February 23, 2006 7:18 AM
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