Affordable Health Care: Four Wisconsin Proposals
A forum hosted by Progressive Dane and The Edgewood College Human Issues Program.
Thursday, April 6th 6:30 to 8:30 at Edgewood College's Anderson Auditorium, in the Predolin Humanities Center.
Access to health insurance has become a national crisis, but there are bold, creative proposals to fix it. Please join us to hear four great proposals to make affordable health care widely available locally and statewide. Representatives from each plan will briefly describe their proposal, followed by ample time for audience questions and open discussion.
Co-Sponsors include: The League of Women Voters, The Democratic Party of Dane County, The South Central Federation of Labor, The Four Lakes Green Party, and The Center for Patient Partnerships at the UW-Madison.
The presenters and four major health care plan proposals are:
- Linda Farley, M.D. of the Coalition for Wisconsin Health will present "The Wisconsin Health Security Act." This is a comprehensive
plan to provide quality health care to all Wisconsin residents--rich and poor, young and old, regardless of health condition, medical history or employment status by replacing more than 700 different health insurers with a single publicly financed plan.
- Ann Fleischli of Wisconsin Heath Care for All will present a "provide-or-pay" plan for Wisconsin where non-insuring businesses are required to either provide coverage or contribute to a fund that buys coverage for their employees, while unemployed, self-employed, retired and young people would buy coverage through additional low rate insurance pools.
- David Newby of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO will present "The Wisconsin Health Care Plan", which would establish a Labor-Management Commission through legislation to develop a quality-driven comprehensive plan that will cover all medically necessary care.
- David Riemer, Project Director of the Wisconsin Health Project, who will present the "Wisconsin Health Plan", which proposes to create an effective purchasing pool and incorporates "consumer driven" incentives to promote health care quality and use market forces to drive down health care costs.
Darcy Haber, Statewide Program Manager for Wisconsin Citizen Action, will moderate the forum. Darcy is an experienced moderator with deep ties to health care issues, having received a William Shernoff Health and Consumer Law Fellowship to work for the National Health Law Program in coalition with national health care reform groups in Washington D.C.
For more info, contact: Rick Richards, Co-Chair Progressive Dane Economic Issues Task Force (608) 255-5023 or ; or Elizabeth Tryon, Community Partner Specialist, 663-2889,
Posted by at April 10, 2006 12:01 PM
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