MSCR: Middle School After-School Programs wins in top award category
A Madison School's TV Channel 10 video, MSCR: Middle School
After-School Programs received a "Significant Community Programming"
distinction at the annual awards for the Wisconsin Association of PEG
Channels (WAPC). WAPC represents local public, educational and
government access cable channels across the state.
The TV program, cooperatively produced by Lindy Anderson of the
Madison Schools' media production department and Nicole Graper of
Madison School & Community Recreation (MSCR), highlights the
variety of after-school programs and services available to Madison's
middle school children.
This award marks the third year in a row MMSD-TV has been honored at
the annual ceremony. Previous awards have been presented to MMSD-TV
from the Wisconsin School Public Relations Association, the National
Alliance for Community Media and the Wisconsin Educational Media
MMSD-TV 10 can be seen on the Charter Cable system in Madison and
surrounding areas.
For more information, contact:
Marcia Standiford, 663-1969
Posted by at May 11, 2006 8:21 AM
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