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September 23, 2006

Robarts Confirms She Won't Seek Re-Election

Andy Hall (who's been busy this week):

Madison School Board member Ruth Robarts confirmed Friday that she won't seek re-election, ending her sometimes-stormy tenure that over the past decade earned her praise for being a watchdog but also the label of "public enemy No. 1."

"It is primarily for personal reasons. A decade is a long time to meet every single Monday night," Robarts said.

Also, she said, governments benefit from the energy of newcomers.

Ruth announced her intention to not seek re-election in Jason Shephard's spring 2006 article: "The Fate of the Schools". Ruth has done a tremendous service for the community via her strong, independent voice on the Board. She will be missed. Ruth was instrumental in getting this site rolling.

Johnny Winston, Jr. confirmed that "he'll be in their swinging" next April. Check out these video interviews of Ruth, Johnny and others in the April, 2004 election.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at September 23, 2006 6:44 AM
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