Notes on Single Sex Schools
Vivian Roe:
No matter what side of these specific issues you fall on, one thing is undeniable: The Milwaukee Public Schools system is failing. We've got such horrible statistics when it comes to the dropout rate, illiteracy, proficiency in math and science, discipline in the schools, etc., that even friends from out of state know of our educational crisis.
We've got a nasty reputation, but it's well-deserved.
So when I read that single-sex schools are "controversial" while teachers in essence "deserve more," I conclude that in reality it's exactly the opposite.
To disclose, I am a "St. Mary's Girl" - all-girls St. Mary's Academy class of 1987. I got an excellent education there, and I was very disappointed when the school closed in 1991.
With none of the distractions of flirting with boys, dressing up to impress boys, not wanting to be "too smart" in front of the boys, we learned. Which is all teenagers are supposed to do in school anyway.
What I remember the most is that being in a relaxed atmosphere, where the learning style and interests of girls was catered to, made each day bring with it lessons in maturity, responsibility and life discipline.
Mind you, we were hardly cloistered and had a good deal of opportunity to mingle with boys (particularly from all-boys Thomas More and Marquette University High School). And it was clear that our counterparts were experiencing the same on their side of the spectrum.
Michael Mathias
adds another perspective.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at January 16, 2007 6:02 AM
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