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April 19, 2007MMSD High School Redesign Committee SelectedAccording to a report from a recent East High United meeting, where MMSD Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Schools Pam Nash did a presentation on the District's high school redesign plans, the following eleven people have been named to the redesign committee: Pam Nash -- Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Schools, former principal of Memorial HS. While at Memorial, Ms. Nash oversaw the development and implementation of the "neighborhoods" school restructuring and implementation of the 9th grade core curriculum. Alan Harris -- Principal of East HS, former principal at Black Hawk MS. Ed Holmes -- Principal at West HS (since fall, 2004), former principal at Wright MS and former assistant principal at West HS. Mr. Holmes has been principal at West during the continued implementation of the SLC grant, school restructuring, and 9th and 10th grade core curriculum. Sally Schultz -- Principal at Shabazz HS. Steve Hartley -- MMSD Director of Alternative Programs. These include the Transitional Education Program (TEP), the School-Age Parent Program (SAPAR), Operation Fresh Start, the Omega program and many others. Mr. Hartley also oversees the District's implementation of the state-mandated Youth Options Program (YOP), which requires the District to pay for appropriate educational opportunities for eligible high school juniors and seniors whose needs cannot be met at their own schools. A wide range of students may take advantage of YOP. The District's YOP implementation and -- importantly -- policy regarding the giving of high school credit for non-MMSD courses is currently under review and has been discussed on this blog -- http://www.schoolinfosystem.org/archives/2006/11/youth_options_p.php L. Alan Phelps -- Professor in the U.W. Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (School of Education) and Director of the U.W. Center on Education and Work. He seems to have special interests in special education and intercultural learning. Here are links to two of his recent papers, one entitled "Using Post-School Outcomes Data to Improve Practices and Policies in Restructured Inclusive High Schools" and another entitled "High Schools with Authentic and Inclusive Learning Practices: Selected Features and Findings" -- http://www.ncset.org/publications/viewdesc.asp?id=1096 http://eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2/content_storage_01/0000000b/80/28/02/91.pdf
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