At MPS, time to go extreme
Deborah Chamberlin:
Ho, hum. Another sunny morning, another cup of coffee, another disgusting story about the Milwaukee Public Schools. How's this for an idea? Shut down MPS because it sure doesn't seem to be working.
Initiate a 13-year plan (pardon the negative connotation) to eliminate grade levels, beginning next year with kindergarten. That way, students (or are they "combatants"?) are free to find other educational solutions from the beginning. No kindergarten means no first grade the next year and so on as the children pass through (or drop out).
Parents will be responsible for vying for precious space in private schools, which don't seem to have the level of problems that MPS does, probably because they can remove disruptive thugs. Or try home schooling. Let parents sit home with their unruly kids and see how they like it.
Good teachers will have time to look for other employment. There surely will be more entrepreneurs opening schools to replace the MPS holding tanks. Just think - no more guns, no more weapons, no more crowd control. Just lessons, homework and appropriate discussions about grades.
Teachers have been shifted from being educators to baby sitters to interim parole officers. A couple of e-mails I received noted the situation at MPS is much worse than we even know. Worse than a week with two lockdowns, a fight resulting in a staff member being knocked unconscious and a seventh-grader with a gun and ammunition? Those are only the reported incidents.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at May 4, 2007 12:13 AM
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