Prime Time is Goal for Madison Speller
Gena Kittner:
Isabel Jacobson remembers every word she was dealt while on stage at the Scripps National Spelling Bee last year, including the word that ended her run in Round 7 -- symminct.
This week she'll return to the national bee in Washington, D.C., with a well-stocked arsenal of spelling bee words and an improved knowledge of foreign words.
At age 14, this is the Madison teen's last chance to vie in the national bee, where she'll be one of 286 champion spellers. The semifinal rounds, starting with 90 students, will be televised on Thursday afternoon on ESPN and the finals on ABC that night. She will try to better last year's run when she tied for 14th.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at May 27, 2007 4:06 AM
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