Schools by Age, Not Address
Amy Hetzner:
Theory" and "experiment" were two ways Waukesha School Board members last week described the district's move to create two schools focused solely on the lower or upper elementary grade levels.
But staff in schools already organized around such grade levels describe the model another way: child-focused.
"Really, the whole building kind of revolves around those early learners," said Deb Ristow, principal of Pewaukee Lake Elementary School, which has housed students in kindergarten through third grade since 2002.
Although not as common in southeastern Wisconsin, "grade centers" that serve students for a fraction of their elementary years make up one of every five elementary schools nationwide, according to an analysis by the Educational Research Service. The facilities can be kindergarten-only centers, pre-kindergarten through second- or third-grade buildings or third- through fifth- or sixth-grade schools.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at September 19, 2007 12:00 AM
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