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October 10, 2007

Georgia's "Appropriate Education" Financial Definition

Jim Wooten:

The work done by former state representative and school board member Dean Alford and others is groundbreaking. Three efforts are especially striking.

One — important but not all that novel — is to determine precisely how much money is needed to produce an educated child. Final numbers are about a month away, but as a start, the task force concludes that a system should be able to meet the academic needs of an elementary school child for $6,220, plus add-ons for other considerations — special needs, for example. Operation and maintenance of school buildings would add another $600 and transportation another $151.

The second significant contribution goes to the heart of the suits here and elsewhere. That is to identify wealth and tax it appropriately.

“There are probably better ways of measuring wealth than we use now,” said Jeffrey Williams, a consultant to the task force. “We only use property values now.” In the 1950s and early ’60s, he says, some measure of personal income was included. From the ’60s on, it’s been the property tax.

Williams examined 10 local systems spread throughout the state. Some were rich in property and wealth, some poor on both and some low or high on wealth or property.

The Madison School District's current 2007/2008 budget is $339,685,844, or $13,997.27 per student [24,268 students]. The latest MMSD Citizen's budget is worth a look.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 10, 2007 9:01 AM
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