Immigrant influx to Chicago suburbs spawns foreign language schools for kids
Russell Working:
Art and Maria Guelis are well-educated Russians who speak their native language at home, read Tolstoy and Dostoevski and watch Internet TV programs out of Moscow. But their 7-year-old son, George, always answers his parents in English.
Determined to pass on their linguistic heritage, the Guelises recently adopted a time-honored immigrant strategy that is burgeoning in Chicago's suburbs. They enrolled him in Saturday language classes in addition to his public schooling.
George attends a Russian school in Naperville, one of scores of weekend foreign language schools springing up in houses of worship and cultural centers as migration from Chicago and the high-tech industry in DuPage County bring a polyglot populace to the suburbs.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at January 6, 2008 12:00 AM
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