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March 14, 2008

Janesville School Board, Teachers Union Release Contract Details


Late Monday night, negotiators for the Janesville School Board and teachers union reached a tentative contract agreement.

Today, they made the details of that contract public.

It took them a year to get to this point.

"This long and stressful process has a positive and a big sigh of relief," School Board member Amy Rashkin said.

"Everyone made sacrifices and I think it was well worth it," Janesville Education Association President Sam Loizzo said.

Big points reached in the agreement were health care and in-service hours for teachers.

Instead of 2 days per month of in-service, they now have one.

"We agreed to make premium share payments ranging from $17 to $115 a month," JEA negotiator Dr. David Parr said.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 14, 2008 1:15 AM
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