Madison School Board Detailed Agenda Posted Online - Including a Proposed Wisconsin Center for Education Research Contract
A reader's email mentioned that the Madison School Board has begun posting more detailed agenda items on their meeting web page. Monday, March 3's full agenda includes Superintedent Art Rainwater's discussion of the proposed Middle School report card changes along with a recommendation to approve an agreement with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (1.5MB PDF):
The focus of this project is to develop a value-added system for the Madison Metropolitan School District and produce value-added reports using assessment data from November 2005 to November 2007. Since the data from the November 2007 assessment will not be available until March 2008, WCER will first develop a value-added system based on two years of state assessment data (November 2005 and November 2006). After the 2007 data becomes available (about Ma r c h 1 2008), WCER will extend the value-added system so that it incorporates all three years of data. Below, we list the tasks for this project and a project timeline.
Task 1. Specify features o f MMSD value-added model
Task 2. Develop value-added model using 2005 and 2006 assessment dat a
Task 3. Produce value-added reports using 2005 and 2006 assessment data
Task 4. Develop value-added model using 2005, 2006, and 2007 assessment
Task 5. Produce value-added reports using 2005-2007 assessment data
August, 2007
presentation to the Madison School Board's Performance & Achievement Committee on "Value Added Assessment".
Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 2, 2008 3:59 PM
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