What you usually don't hear about WEAC
Thomas Zachek:
It's amazing how much some people dislike WEAC.
One e-mailer called it a "collective" (like the Borg?). Another said teachers love unionization "because you can't think for yourselves!"
The Wisconsin Education Association Council has never told me how to think or what to teach. WEAC may take positions on issues, but its members can think what they want - and do. I have attended at least five WEAC Representative Assemblies, and I assure you that the debate is vigorous and disagreement is extensive.
I wonder which organizations those e-mailers belong to that might encourage free thinking and not allegiance to dogma from on high. The Republican Party perhaps? The National Rifle Association? The Catholic Church?
News media repeatedly refer to the "powerful teachers union" as if it's somehow emptying our pockets and preventing life from being beautiful. Rep. Don Pridemore (R-Hartford), whose newsletters used to cite a "WEAC Atrocity of the Month," wrote that the union influences every education decision in the state.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 8, 2008 11:15 AM
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