Teachers Argue Fixation on Tests Hurts Kids
Dani McClain:
There's more to Milwaukee Public Schools than state test scores and dropout rates, but the realities of life in the classroom rarely bubble up to top district officials.
This was the message of about 100 MPS educators who met last week to discuss what they called the deteriorating conditions of teaching and learning and to brainstorm solutions.
The meeting was sponsored by the Educators' Network for Social Justice, a local advocacy group, and the Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association.
Teachers face daily pressures to teach for various tests and accommodate cuts in arts and library budgets, many participants said.
"Stop talking about this being a data-driven district, and start talking about it being a child-centered district," said Amy Gutowski, a third-grade teacher at Thoreau Elementary School.
Posted by jez at April 20, 2008 8:54 AM
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