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May 8, 2008

Bill allowing Rockford schools to share data gets 1st OK

Aaron Chambers:

Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey has said for months that state law should be changed to require the Rockford School District to share names and personal information about students suspected of being truants.

The latest plan spearheaded by the mayor and introduced in the General Assembly on Tuesday does not compel the School District to disclose students’ information. Instead, the proposed law says the School District “may” do so.

Even if the proposal becomes law, the School District still must decide whether to provide the information in the format and within the time frame Morrissey prefers.

“I don’t think any board members would have supported legislation that compels us to share that, no matter what the situation is,” said Nancy Kalchbrenner, president of the Rockford School Board. “The collaboration and our constant communication and working together is what’s important. And this is a tool to allow us to share information.”

Posted by Jim Zellmer at May 8, 2008 5:33 PM
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