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July 10, 2008

Teachers learn principles to pass on to in-demand students

Kathleen Gallagher:

How many teachers does it take to make a pingpong ball launcher?

More than one, 84 high school and middle school teachers participating in a two-week training class at the Milwaukee School of Engineering found out.

On Friday, they finished learning how to work cooperatively to make pingpong ball launchers and marble sorters, and to rip apart everything from flashlights to strap hinges so they could remake them to work better.

As a result, each is now certified to teach one Project Lead the Way class in digital electronics, civil engineering and architecture, or another engineering topic.

The Project Lead the Way-trained teachers are part of a push that powerful forces in the state have gotten behind.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at July 10, 2008 7:33 PM
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