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October 13, 2008

Sun Prairie Acadamic Decathlon team plans road trip

Pamela Cotant:

This year the theme for the Academic Decathlon curriculum is Latin America with a focus on Mexico and two area teams plan to go right to the source to study it.

About a dozen members from each of the Wisconsin Academic Decathlon teams at the high schools in Sun Prairie and McFarland will visit Mexico City from Oct. 29 to Nov. 3.

Participants agree that the trip is about more than just a great way to gather information outside of their regular meetings.

"It's a really good team bonding time," said Scott LaWall, a senior at Sun Prairie High School. "During the school year, just (meeting) after school, it's difficult to really get to know your teammates."

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 13, 2008 1:22 AM
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