"There still appears to be a constant flow of expats being relocated to Budapest compared to last year," says Lena Sarnblom, relocation coordinator for Move One Relocations. "But April and May have also been busy with departure services and we have been informed that this will continue to rise."
Ingrid Lamblin, branch manager at AGS Budapest Worldwide Movers, confirms that AGS is also seeing an increase in expatriate departures, and she says that "incoming expatriates are more often single people with less belongings, or couples without children, or whose children are already grown."
But János Prihoda, general manager of Inter Relocation Group, says that while he thinks it likely that there will be a decrease in expatriates in manufacturing industries, such as telecommunications and the automotive industry, he has in fact seen an increase in expatriates coming in to work for financial organisations and as consultants.
"Our main clients come from the service centre market," he says, "and despite the economic situation, the number of expats have grown rather then decreased."