When a proposal for a public boarding school in Milwaukee failed to win financial support from state lawmakers this summer, the concept of a college preparatory boarding school for local, urban teens appeared dead.
But now, Milwaukee Board of School Directors President Michael Bonds is reviving the idea, with a twist:
He wants to open a boarding school for 150 high school students next fall that would operate as a charter school by an organization other than MPS. The district would provide funding for the day school, while the charter school would handle the costs of supervision and instruction outside of normal academic hours.
"It's an opportunity to provide at-risk kids an environment that's conducive to learning," Bonds said. "We would have to put out a (request) to see what kinds of proposals are out there. There may be models of boarding schools that are feasible academically and economically."
Members of the School Board's Innovation/School Reform committee will vote on Bonds' boarding school resolution Tuesday. It would put the board on record for supporting the idea and ask for outside proposals.