On Teacher Unions, Political Power and Reform
Kyle Olson:
Earlier this year Robert Chanin, the recently retired general counsel for the National Education Association, discussed the effectiveness of teachers unions at a gathering in San Diego:
Despite what some of us would like to believe, it is not because of our creative ideas. It is not because of the merit of our positions. It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child.
NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power.
You can see that portion of his 20 minute speech here:
Related: the most recent proposed
agreement between the Madison School District and Madison Teacher's, Inc. ,
local comments and the expression of
political power through the current Democrat majority in the Wisconsin legislature via the elimination of "revenue limits and economic conditions from collective bargaining arbitration".
Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 5, 2009 3:11 AM
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