A bill that would give the state schools chief more power to fix chronically low-performing schools might improve education in Milwaukee and circumvent the fractious debate over mayoral control, said the chairman of the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday.
Sen. John Lehman (D-Racine) said the education committee took executive action Tuesday to introduce the bill, which Lehman requested be tweaked from an earlier version to zero in on the state superintendent's attention to a handful of schools in MPS.
A similar bill that passed the Assembly's education committee earlier this fall was not as specific about what qualified as a low-performing school.
"The state superintendent powers bill has not seen the same kind of 'draw a line and plant your feet firmly in the sand and don't move' that mayoral control has seen," Lehman said. "The state superintendent powers bill is more about turning to thoughtful public policy on this to see what we can do for Milwaukee Public Schools."