Madison schools want input for new branding Campaign
Gayle Worland:
If Madison Avenue met Madison public schools, imagine the possibilities:
Billboards touting the joys of high school algebra?
TV spots selling fifth-grade science?
Facebook updates on student test scores?
It's not quite a case of "Extreme Makeover," but the Madison School District needs to put some polish on its image, officials say. The word is out to marketing firms that the district would like some help, and officials are asking the public - particularly parents of school-aged children - to join them at Marquette-O'Keeffe Schools on Monday night to brainstorm on "positive branding" techniques.
The desire to spiff up the public perception of Madison schools came out of months of discussions last year as a community team formed a five-year strategic plan for the district, said Superintendent Dan Nerad.
Ideally, everything an organization does improves its brand. Today's wonderful
solo ensemble is a great example of a subtle, positive student, parent and faculty event.
I'd rather see the Administration and Board focus on substantive improvements than simple "messages". Doc Searls is right on: "there is no demand for messages". Verona's recent approval of a Mandarin immersion charter school resonates far more with parents than spending precious dollars on messages.
Send your thoughts to the Madison School Board:
Posted by jimz at February 20, 2010 11:23 AM
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