March 23, 2010
"Are you a PC or a Mac?": an interview with Principal David Elliott on the tech focus of Seattle's Queen Anne Elementary
Mary Cropp: Among piles of paperwork and shelves crowded with books on edu-topics, David Elliott's office at Coe Elementary is crammed with pictures of baseball teams he has coached, crayoned drawings, and letters with childish handwriting careening all over the page. There's a lot of stuff that he is going to need to haul out of here at the end of June when he moves to become principal at Queen Anne Elementary.
Elliott concedes that a recent shift in focus at this soon-to-open school, coupled with a lack of publicity, has a lot of parents scratching their heads about whether or not to enroll their child in this so called "Option School." And time is running out -- the Open Enrollment period will come to a close on March 31st. To that end, Elliott sat down with me earlier this week (full disclosure: my kids go to Coe Elementary) to discuss this new venture he is heading up. Elliot's answers to my questions are in italics.
At first Seattle Public Schools said that Queen Anne Elementary was going to be a Montessori school. Now it is going to have a "technology" focus. How did that change come about?
Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 23, 2010 2:13 AM
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