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April 9, 2010

Dispelling Myths about Gifted Students and Gifted Education

Tamara Fisher:

Back in 1982, Gifted Child Quarterly published a special edition that focused on myths about gifted education - and the research that dispels those myths. For a look at those first articles, check out this link. It really was an important collection of works, focusing on such myths as "myth: we need to have the same scores for everyone" and "myth: there is a single curriculum for the gifted" and " myth: the gifted constitutes a single, homogenous group."

Recently, GCQ undertook the same task, tackling a series of current myths about gifted students and gifted education and providing the research that backs up why those myths are not true. Many of the myths tackled in the 2009 issue are the very same ones tackled in the 1982 issue, plus the list is expanded with timely and relevant new (actually - old) myths, such as "myth: it is fair to teach all children the same way" and "myth: classroom teachers have the time, the skill, and the will to differentiate adequately" and "myth: high-ability students don't face problems and challenges."

Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 9, 2010 1:52 AM
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