Attention Parents who are Homeschooling their Gifted Children, or Parents or Teachers who are Interested in Using Additional Enrichment Materials in the Home or Classroom. Please see our Latest Book by Robert E. Myers at:
For my latest interview in EducationNews.Org (June 11, 2009) about the gifted education field, click the following link:
The SUMMER 2010 Online Issue of GEPQ contains the following articles:
1. Editorial Comments by Maurice Fisher - Some Useful Resources for Gifted Child Advocacy
2. Under-Representation of African American Students in Gifted Education: Nine Theories and Frameworks for Information, Understanding, and Change
Donna Y. Ford, Ph.D. Peabody College of Education Vanderbilt University
Michelle Trotman Scott, Ph.D. College of Education University of West Georgia
3. An Interview with Dr. Margie Kitano San Diego State University
Teresa Rowlison, Ph.D. Southwest Regional Education Center
Michael F. Shaughnessy, Ph.D. Eastern New Mexico University
4. Inside Specialized High Schools for the Gifted: A Comparison of Two Major Studies
Jill Olthouse The University of Toledo
5. George Santayana (1863-1952): Nurturer of the Gifted Sensibility
Michael E. Walters, Ed.D. Center for the Study of the Humanities in the Schools
If you know a colleague or friend who would like a complimentary copy of the SUMMER 2010 Online Issue, tell them to send their request to:
Our latest books are as follows:
1. By Maurice & Eugenia Fisher, Editors: Heroes of Giftedness: An Inspirational Guide for Gifted Students and Their Teachers --Presenting the Personal Heroes of Twelve Experts on Gifted Education. Discusses Highly Gifted Individuals who can be used as models for motivating gifted students to study different fields of knowledge.
"Heroes of Giftedness: An Inspirational Guide is an exciting new edition to gifted education literature. It well fulfills its purpose in the inspiring, exhilarating accounts of famous individuals and their contribution to the world. Gifted students, teachers, and parents will benefit hugely from these biographies of great men and women who overcame personal and professional challenges to move forward in their fields." Joan Smutny, Director The Center for Gifted National-Louis University
"My view of the world is that people are best served when they find their passion early on, because we tend to be good at things we're passionate about. I think we also need to find people whom we admire and try to emulate them." Chesley Sullenberger, the Captain who successfully guided US Airways flight 1549 in the Hudson River on January 15, 2009 (From Air & Space Magazine, May 2009, p. 11)
2. By Harry T. Roman: Energizing Your Gifted Students' Creative Thinking & Imagination: Using Design Principles, Team Activities, and Invention Strategies --A Complete Lesson Guide for Upper Elementary and Middle School Levels. Concentrates on nurturing Gifted Children's Applied Creative Thinking and Imagination to solve practical and real world problems. This book will help them become masters at using engineering and design principles in their everyday life in the school and home.
3. By Robert E. Myers: Golden Quills: Creative Thinking and Writing Lessons for Middle-School Gifted Students. Contains Twenty-Seven Challenging Lessons for Stimulating Creative Learning in Language Arts. Further information can be found at:
4. By Judy Micheletti: MORE SNIBBLES: Serendipitous Seasons. This book focuses on how to motivate gifted students to be more creative at their school and home, and it contains several delightful line drawings that will entice the imagination of all curious children and adults. Further information can be found at:
5. By Harry T. Roman: Solar Power, Fuel Cells, Wind Power and Other Important Environmental Studies for Upper Elementary and Middle School Gifted Students and Their Teachers: A Technology, Problem-Solving and Invention Guide. It is perfect for use in Tech Ed, pre-engineering and environmental courses and study units. Further information can be found at:
All of these books are useful resources for gifted students and their parents and teachers. They can be ordered directly from Gifted Education Press or through All orders under $50.00 (sent to GEP) must be prepaid. Orders of $50.00 or more (sent to GEP) can be made with a purchase order. If you have any questions, please email me. Please add 10% for Postage and Handling. Thank you.
Contact me if you have any ideas for new articles or books that GEP can publish.
Maurice Fisher, Ph.D.