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June 8, 2010

I agree, it's time the Vancouver, Canada school board grew up

Jon Ferry:

You can say what you like about B.C. comptroller-general Cheryl Wenezenki-Yolland, at least if you can pronounce her name. But she sure knows how to shake things up.

Last fall, this steely mother of two blasted bloated management at TransLink and excessive executive compensation at B.C. Ferries, drawing cries of outrage from high-priced boss David Hahn.

Now, Wenezenki-Yolland has drawn equal if not greater howls of indignation by ripping into the Vancouver School Board. And the report she released Friday on the trustees' management ability, or lack of it, has had board chairwoman Patti Bacchus on the verge of tears.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at June 8, 2010 2:01 AM
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