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June 21, 2010

Newark Teachers Face Tough Bargaining

Barbara Martinez:

When New Jersey agreed last year to give Newark teachers a 5% raise for working an extra four days, the union announced the news in a memo that included two dollar signs in large type and declared: "no health benefits give-back!!"

One year later, the Newark Teachers Union is back at the negotiating table--and this time things may not work out so favorably. Gov. Chris Christie earlier this year implored taxpayers to vote down local budgets that did not freeze teacher pay. Because the Newark schools are controlled by the state, it is one of the few teacher contracts over which Mr. Christie actually has veto power.

Newark Teachers Union Head Supports Merit Pay, Open to Abolishing Seniority
"Certainly, a 4.9% raise is out of the question," said Michael Drewniak, a spokesman for the governor. He said the administration "has established clear guidelines" for the contract negotiations between the state-appointed Newark superintendent and the union of more than 5,000 teachers.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at June 21, 2010 3:06 AM
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