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June 14, 2010

Our View: We need more innovation in education

Wausau Daily Herald:

As a part of the economic stimulus package of January 2009 -- you may have heard of it -- the federal government created a $100 billion education fund for states that were willing to take bold action to reform and improve their schools.

The fund, known as Race to the Top, is having the desired effect in many places. With state budgets in dire shape across the nation, it has provided a real incentive for states to look for ways to innovate in order to address real problems in the educational system -- failing schools, bureaucratic deadlock, the achievement gap between rich and poor students.

In Wisconsin, though, what it has inspired is something more like a few pro-forma changes and half-hearted applications.

Wisconsin ranked in the bottom half of all the states that applied for Race to the Top funding in the first round in March. (The federal government placed our state's application 26th out of 41 states and the District of Columbia that applied.)

Posted by Jim Zellmer at June 14, 2010 2:01 AM
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