K-12 Tax & Spending Climate: Transparency
Sunlight Foundation:
We've taken data from other federal reporting systems and compared it with the data found in USASpending.gov across three categories: Consistency, Completeness and Timeliness. How close are the reported dollar amounts to the yearly estimates? How many of the required fields are filled out in each record? And how long did it take the agency to report the money once it was allocated to a project?
The inability to keep track and report on public expenditures does not inspire confidence. Related:
Madison district got $23M from taxpayers for aging schools; where did it go?. More
here. I've not seen any additional information on the potential audit of Madison's most recent maintenance referendum.
The College Station School District publishes all annual expenditures via their check registers.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at September 9, 2010 4:32 AM
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