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November 14, 2010

The keys to New York City Schools' Chancellor Black's success

Joe Williams

New York City's public schools are dramatically better today than they were eight years ago, in large part thanks to the tireless work of Chancellor Joel Klein. But there's still a long way to go, and the city needs its next chancellor, Cathie Black, to chart a clear path forward, and quickly.

If Black wants to finish what Chancellor Klein started, she must work to make parents, teachers and the public feel invested in the process.

Chicago's Renaissance 2010 plan is an excellent example of this: It let the city's leaders explain to Chicogoans exactly what they hoped to accomplish, and then frame each reform, like closing schools, in the broader effort to improve the system. Mayor Cory Booker is starting a similar process in Newark.

But the key to Black's success -- and to school reform -- is how she addresses the five major challenges facing New York City's schools:

Posted by Jim Zellmer at November 14, 2010 1:04 AM
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