Advocating Dave Blaska for Madison School Board
Capital Times Editorial:
Supporters of the proposal to develop charter schools in the Madison Metropolitan School District -- including "academies" segregated along lines of gender -- have made a lot of noise in recent weeks about how the School Board should radically rewrite rules, contracts and objectives.
Fair enough. Let's have a debate.
Two School Board seats will be filled in the coming spring election -- those of incumbents Marj Passman and Ed Hughes.
Hughes and Passman have both commented thoughtfully on the Urban League's Madison Prep boys-only charter school proposal.
Hughes, in particular, has written extensively and relatively sympathetically about the plan on his blog.
Passman has also been sympathetic, while raising smart questions about the high costs of staffing the school as outlined.
But neither has offered the full embrace that advocates such as the Madison Urban League's Kaleem Caire and former Dane County Board member Dave Blaska -- now an enthusiastic conservative blogger -- are looking for.
Our community is certainly better off with competitive school board races.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at December 30, 2010 7:59 AM
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