New Milford superintendent proposes 2.31 percent increase to next year's education budget
Nancy Hutson:
Schools Superintendent JeanAnn Paddyfote is proposing a budget for the next school year that carries a 2.31 percent increase.
She believes it is "fiscally responsible'' and offers "exciting" educational enhancements.
She is scheduled to present her $58.262 million budget -- $873,773 for capital -- proposal to the Board of Education Tuesday night at Sarah Noble Intermediate School. Snow dates are Wednesday and Thursday.
The most dramatic piece of the proposed budget, supplemented by some $700,000 in federal education money, is a proposal to use the federal funding to hire nine teachers for an all-day kindergarten program.
Two years ago the district did a pilot, full-day class at John Pettibone Elementary School that showed good results, but funding was not available to continue it into the following year.
The New Milford, CT school district's 2010-2011 budget is $58,734,610 for 4,864 students; $12,075.32 per student (
New Milford 2010-2011 Adopted Budget 15MB PDF). Madison spent
$15,241 per student in 2009-2010, according to the most recent Citizen's Budget. Much more on
New Milford, here.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at January 19, 2011 2:18 AM
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