Ghana Teachers are better off under single spine
Nathan Gadugah:
The Deputy Education Minister Mahama Ayariga has dismissed assertions that teachers are worse off under the new pay policy, the single spine salary structure.
Teachers across the country have threatened a nationwide sit-down strike after widespread distortions in their salaries released in February under the Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS).
The teachers were expecting an improved and enhanced salary under the much publicised single spine but were utterly shocked to notice that their salaries had either being halved or were lower than the preceding month.
They have accused the Fair Wages Commission of among other things failing to include their Professional Allowance in the build up of the SSSS and have threatened to disrupt the 54th Independence Day Celebration if government does not yield to their demands to review the salaries.
But speaking on Joy FM's News analysis programme News file the deputy Education Minister Mahama Ayariga stated that the agitations by the teachers are a misunderstanding of the issues.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 6, 2011 1:30 AM
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