The Army should fix the geographical narrowness of its ROTC programs
Stephen Trynosky:
I don't know your Year Group cohort, but I think you may not realize how narrow the ROTC's geographic/outreach footprint has become since 1989 (e.g. closure of 4 of New Jersey's 7 Army ROTC programs). Sadly, I have been taking on the "if they want it bad enough they will low crawl to ROTC" argument for almost two decades. I didn't buy that argument as a first year ROTC cadet in 1994 and I buy it even less now.
The Army has allocated only a single Army ROTC instructor battalion to the entire state of Connecticut--which has one of the highest educational attainment levels in the United States and an enormous per capita student population. It is also noteworthy that Connecticut's population is LARGER than Mississippi's, over half the size of Alabama's and FOUR TIMES LARGER than South Dakota's. Despite its size and student population, Connecticut has just one Army ROTC battalion, while Mississippi has 5, Alabama has 10 and South Dakota has 3. It is misplaced to blame the Yale students for not seeking out Army ROTC -- particularly when the program HQ and the Professor of Military Science (PMS) sit 70 miles away in Storrs. Sure, there is some instruction available in New Haven, but the core of the ROTC's administrative, logistical and outreach capabilities in the state are 70 miles away from New Haven. This reality can not be discounted.
I challenge anyone to find a university comparable to Yale's size south of the Mason-Dixon line that is 70 miles away from an Army ROTC host institution.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 24, 2011 2:30 AM
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